Friday, July 2, 2010

Harry Potter and Monopoly

This afternoon, I jumped in the truck with my family to go visit my grandparents in Kanab, Utah.
I was able to burn half of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows onto 8 cds, and we got through 4 of them. So far, it's pretty exciting. :)

Once I got here, I discovered treasure! My wonderful aunt, Joni Lang had recently taken a trip here to help my grandparents clean out their storage and throw away trash, and keep treasures.
Sitting on the table, right when I entered the basement, were these.

A 1946 and a 1961 version. I call dibs.

So I told my grandma that I no longer want her leather jacket from the 1950's, but I want these. I don't care how much they are worth, I'm not going to sell them. I want these for myself. These are top-notch B.A.

Other than this treasure at the end of the dark tunnel (or highway?) and listening to Harry Potter, and laughing and having a great time with my family, nothing much really happened.

Oh, we had a few great quotes... Several from Jake.

After Archie farted, in the direction of my mother, Jake says, "You could have farted on me, I wouldn't have minded." We all burst into laughter. He then said, "What? It's not nice to fart on women."

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